JJ's Writing Corner

Every writer needs a quiet place to sit and collect her thoughts. Here is mine.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Confronting Fear

I've been reading Stephen King's On Writing, a book I highly recommend. He has lots to say about story and discipline and craft, but this statement really stood out: "Good writing is often about letting go of fear" (121).

I started this blog to track my writing process. However, my posts are almost always about getting back on the horse or recommitting to my goals. Anyone reading this might think I am silly and undisciplined, but the sparseness of this blog--and my lack of significant time spent writing IRL--is more a testament to my fear than anything. I have been writing in small chunks, and what I am writing seems to be good, but my problems seem to be primarily
  • fear of confronting my own emotions
  • fear of failure
  • fear of success
Incidentally, these problems are affecting all my life, not just my writing. :)

Thankfully, King's book has inspired me to recommit to my writing. Again. Thankfully, my writing group is very supportive, and I am at least writing enough to bring something in to share every two weeks.

Oh, and last time one of the group members said she was reading George Eliot and was reminded of my writing. Wow.


Blogger Cheryl St.John said...

I loved On Writing! A friend loaned it to me and I always intended to pick up my own copy. You've reminded me, and I wat to read it again, so I'll do that now. (My favorite part was the babysitter sitting on his head, sorry.)

8:54 AM  
Blogger Cheryl St.John said...

Too bad you can't edit these things! That was supposed to say I WANT to read it again.

8:55 AM  

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