JJ's Writing Corner

Every writer needs a quiet place to sit and collect her thoughts. Here is mine.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Writers Group / A Lovely Compliment

Today was the second meeting of my writer's group. We all have very different ideas about what we are writing and why we are writing it; the other leader and I said we wanted to make this group meet the needs of its members, but it's a bit of a challenge since she and I don't always have the same perspective as the group members. That's why we need to work together!

I was incredibly nervous about reading my work out loud for the first time. I chose two of my best scenes (meaning scenes I had revised the most times--I'm not a great first-draft writer, but I revise everything dozens of times until it is solid), and one woman actually said, "That sounds like it's been published already." Talk about encouraging!

FYI, my mom's been in the hospital, so I haven't been writing as much as I wanted.


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