JJ's Writing Corner

Every writer needs a quiet place to sit and collect her thoughts. Here is mine.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


I have been feeling bored with everything I've been reading lately, so I began going through a few of my favorite poems. Then, I went to the university library and checked out a half-dozen poetry books. I have been full of tears lately and really needed the freedom to experience my emotions (I spend so much time on clamping down on them that I eventually have to let them loose, but I have a hard time doing that without some external assistance.)

Anyhow, a line flashed into my head yesterday evening that I REALLY loved. I was at the movies and didn't get home until too late to write, but I got up this morning and wrote three poems. If writing is healing, then poetry is a great way to process emotions. There is no need to tidy everything up in poetry. It is raw and real and exactly what I need right now. I was thinking I may collect my poems into a book about emotional healing.

I keep struggling with my many interests. There are so many things I like to read and want to write. I want to do everything and do it well! I am hungry to experience everything, which means I'll feel free to write poetry instead of blaming myself for not working on my two novels.



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