JJ's Writing Corner

Every writer needs a quiet place to sit and collect her thoughts. Here is mine.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Are You a Writer?

I received a call today from someone looking for an editor for her husband's 500-page manuscript. (I do freelance editing and proofreading.) She wanted to know about pricing and what I had to offer beyond spell-checking and grammar correction.

As we were speaking, she began asking questions about my own background. "Are you a writer?", she asked. I was pleased to say yes, that I am working on a novel and have other story ideas in the works as well. We chatted about my writers' group and she wanted some information about submitting the finished work to a publisher; I said I knew of some resources and would be glad to work with her.

When I got off the phone, I felt recharged. Before this woman called, I had been watching a DVD of a television show that has become very important to me, but I had also been hiding from my writing. So much of this writing (or procrastinating about writing) is about fearing my own healing process. I AM A WRITER! I have stories to write and issues to work out by writing.

I am going to begin using the two hours in the evenings between when I get home and my husband gets home to work on my writing. This is a commitment to myself. I am ready.


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