JJ's Writing Corner

Every writer needs a quiet place to sit and collect her thoughts. Here is mine.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

First Writers' Group Meeting

Well, today was a big day for me; it was my last day teaching Sunday School and my first meeting of the writers' small group I'm co-leading with a writer friend. The group had three people plus the two of us, which seems like a great size. We all shared our writing experience and what we want from the group (I said I am afraid of writing and need some accountability to write more regularly).

We discussed "bad" language (we are a Christian group meeting at my church) to feel out people's attitudes toward the occasional swear word in our writing. We spent 10 minutes writing an encouraging letter to an imaginary writer friend, then read them out loud to encourage each other.

We have a homework assignment: to spend 15 minutes plotting out our writing projects and goals and dreams.

I made a commitment to write three times a week for the next two weeks (until our next meeting).


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