JJ's Writing Corner

Every writer needs a quiet place to sit and collect her thoughts. Here is mine.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Back in the Saddle

Well, my fears about writing up a storm and dramatically throwing off my pages-per-day average were completely unfounded. I haven't looked at my story since the beginning of the holiday season, despite my new keyboard for my PDA and lots of lazy lounging-around time during my vacation.

Instead, I just didn't do it. I had the time, the opportunity, and I consciously made decisions not to work on my story. I hope it doesn't mean I don't Have What it Takes; my husband graciously reminded me that I was on vacation.

Of course, a great thing about writing your first novel is that I am not writing for anyone's deadline but my own. Well, regardless of whether aspiring authors are allowed to take off more time than they have actually spent writing, I did and it's done.

Today, on my Last Day Off, I truly intend to plot out my timeline, brainstorm about my current story, and possibly write some notes about the second idea swimming around in my head. My writing and revising will resume (at the goal rate of 1 page per day) tomorrow, when I go back to work and get back into a regular routine. :)


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