JJ's Writing Corner

Every writer needs a quiet place to sit and collect her thoughts. Here is mine.

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Well, this week I've written almost ten pages (1.5 were added in revising)! I haven't written one page every day as I'd previously planned, but my page-per-day average is higher than one so I'm satisfied--for now. The heady thrill of writing is beginning to fade, but I'm committed to seeing this thing through!

I'll have a lot of time over the upcoming holiday to work on my story, but I'm trying not to overwhelm myself with unreasonable goals. With me, there's always a fine line between Helpful Goal and Paralyzing Expectation, so I'd prefer to err on the side of caution in that regard.

I'm still amazed at the story I've decided to write, because it's outside of the realm of things I usually read. It has a "women's fiction" quality to it, very Oprah Book Club, and I actually prefer to read mysteries and romantic suspense. Still, I figure writing any book will be a valuable experience, even if it's not my preferred genre and not the way I necessarily want to "make my mark," because it will help me build a variety of skills as I go that I can always take into my next project(s).

Yay, JJ, for not freaking out that this might not be a book you'd buy yourself!


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