JJ's Writing Corner

Every writer needs a quiet place to sit and collect her thoughts. Here is mine.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Still Going. . .

Yay for me! I woke up freakishly early this morning and worked on my first chapter for about an hour and a half. (Apparently, I can READ one page a minute and WRITE one page an hour. Hmmph.)

I'm proud of keeping my goal of writing one page (almost) every day, although I would like to increase my daily page count on a regular basis and not just for my upcoming eleven-day holiday. ***JJ does Snoopy dance***

The revise-before-I-write thing is yielding awesome results; I keep adding important details to flesh out what I've already written, and my story keeps getting better! It also gives me ideas for scenes I need to write. So far, I haven't really had a moment of wondering what to write when I sit down in front of my computer; instead, I already have scene ideas inserted into the story where they (probably) need to go.

This morning, I backtracked and wrote about Kate getting ready for work as well as a Very Important Memory. I think I have one more scene to write and then my first chapter (Kate's first day back to work) will be finished. Woo hoo!

I need to do a timeline for my story. My story will span at least one year in present-time, so I need to plot out when the Tragedy occurred so I can use seasons, holidays, etc. appropriately. My timeline also needs to include Kate's birthday and life history so I can coordinate the timing of her memories and don't make any Fatal Errors in the timing department.

I also want to do a free-write about my story, basically brainstorming where my character has come from and where she is going. (This probably won't be in the text of the story, but will be part of the 600 pages you don't see.) I think this will be a useful way to generate ideas about how the next section goes since I can't keep writing one chapter about every single day of this woman's life!

I have a Christmas party tonight, so I'm not sure I'll get to write any more today. ***sniff***

WRITTEN TODAY: 1.5 PAGES (double-spaced)


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