JJ's Writing Corner

Every writer needs a quiet place to sit and collect her thoughts. Here is mine.

Saturday, December 24, 2005


Still deciding if I want to change my story to first person. I don't want to touch it again until I know for sure, although I may just change the story to first person, save it as a different file so I don't lose the original, and read and compare the two versions. This is a big decision, and I want it to be the right one.

I still haven't plotted my timeline or done any brainstorming, which I really need to do before I move much farther. I'll do that tomorrow, and then reward myself by outlining that new story idea.

My page count hasn't increased in several days. That doesn't mean I'm not writing. (You hear that, Inner Critic? I'm NOT lazy and I WILL do this. Hah!)


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